
What I do

  • Counselling Psychology

    Trauma-informed and grounded in Humanistic Psychology, my compassion-focused counselling approach combines cherry-picked therapeutic models and techniques to facilitate your personal growth and self-actualisation. It's a hands-on journey to reveal your potential, guided by insights that are as real as they are profound.

    We work to realistic goals, and there's occasionally even homework. Our work together is about unravelling and understanding your narrative, embracing change, and finding strength in vulnerability. Each step focuses on your needs, ensuring our work together remains insightful and transformative.

  • Psychedelic Integration Coaching

    I’ve been working with psychedelic plant medicines for several years — personally and with clients. I largely credit psychedelics for healing my own mental illness and have witnessed countless clients experience profound levels of personal growth and transformation. However, without integration, the results of this work can be short-lived.

    As a psychedelic integration coach, I blend Transpersonal Psychology's wisdom with Constructivism's practical approach. This combination is poignant: Transpersonal Psychology delves into the spiritual and transcendent experiences often encountered in psychedelic journeys. Constructivism helps in reconstructing your narrative based on these profound insights. Together, they create a robust framework for transforming psychedelic experiences into meaningful, lasting changes in your life.

    Note: I can provide psychedelic integration coaching with or without being involved in your psychedelic experience. However, in cases where I am not present as a facilitator, I will always prefer to do at least one session with you before your psychedelic experience. I will also need to assess your plans for your upcoming experience thoroughly. We must begin your integration work as closely to your psychedelic experience as possible.

  • Psychedelic Facilitation

    Guided by myriad Transpersonal Psychology (and more) techniques, I'll navigate you through psychological, spiritual and transcendent Psilocybin experiences. 'Trip Sitting' is a field in which I've been trained and have significant experience. However, this is much more. Using my own in-session Corrective Emotional Experience (CEE) protocol, I will help you rewire your emotional makeup, providing the opportunity to safely ‘reset’ your psyche.

    I also co-facilitate in two exceptional Ayahuasca medicine circles, working with seasoned plant medicine shamans from Peru, Chile, and the Brazilian Noke Kuin tribe. My role is not just as a guide; it's about ensuring your journey is safe, enlightening, and profoundly transformative. And as a “Rapésito”, I serve the sacred medicine known as “Rapé” or “Hapeh”.

    Observing the golden rules of 'Set, Setting, and Guide', my focus is on compassion, care, and a profound understanding of how to hold space for you to embrace and surrender to the lessons of psychedelic plant medicine fully. We delve into the depths of your consciousness, unlocking new perspectives and fostering a profound connection with your inner Self.

  • Die Before You Die Coaching

    There are plenty of great life coaches; I'm a 'Die Before You Die' Coach. Embracing radical authenticity and principles rooted in the concept of Ego Dissolution (an experience with which I am personally familiar), I champion the profound change that comes when one lets go of the ego's hold, revealing the raw and authentic Self beneath.

    It's a process of shedding the inauthentic layer cake of conditioning to embrace our truth. This method is not just about self-discovery but rebirth and living with newfound authenticity and depth. It's about finding happy and realising it bears little resemblance to your material fantasy.


    Guided by clinical best practice principles in harm reduction, my psychedelic work is about intentional healing and self-discovery — not illegal, irresponsible or recreational use. Therefore, engaging in this work on a one-to-one or retreat basis is contingent on a preliminary assessment and on us being in a region where psychedelic medicines are accepted.

    Reach out if you would like to join me in an exclusive Psilocybin retreat or session series.


As a holistic counsellor and mental health coach, my approach primarily combines the core fields of Trauma-informed therapy*, Transpersonal Psychology and Humanistic Psychology. This unique blend allows me to address the multifaceted needs of each individual and offer comprehensive support and an optimal client experience.

Note my use of the word "optimal". I retain clients only as long as needed for them to experience profound transformation. This work is all about emotional and psychological performance optimisation. Self-expansion facilitation.

Once we [my client and I] are confident they’ve developed the mindset and tools to carry on without my guidance, I actively encourage them to leave my container.

Trauma-Informed Counselling

Trauma impacts us in profound ways, influencing our emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. Underpinned by compassionate inquiry, my practice is grounded in trauma-informed and compassion-focused principles, recognising trauma’s pervasiveness and the importance of a safe, respectful, and empathetic therapeutic environment. I focus on understanding the effects of trauma and guiding you through a journey of healing and recovery, helping you rebuild a sense of control and empowerment. Helping you let go.

Transpersonal Psychology

Life's most profound questions often lead us beyond the traditional scope of counselling. Transpersonal psychology (consciousness beyond the Self) allows us to venture into these realms, exploring spiritual dimensions of existence, meaning, and the connections that transcend the individual Self. Whether you're grappling with existential questions, seeking a deeper purpose, or exploring your spiritual identity, my approach incorporates these broader perspectives, offering a pathway to deeper understanding and fulfilment. I’m currently studying with the prestigious Alef Trust to become a fully Certified Transpersonal Psychology Coach.

Humanistic Psychology

At the heart of my approach is the belief in the innate potential of every individual for self-actualisation. Humanistic psychology forms a foundational pillar of my practice, emphasising a non-judgmental, empathetic, and client-centred approach. I strive to create a space where you feel heard, understood, and valued, empowering you to explore your inner world, discover your unique strengths, and embark on a path of personal growth and self-expansion.

Your Journey of Transformation

In my practice, I blend these approaches to offer a holistic, compassionate, and effective path towards healing, growth, and self-discovery. Whether navigating depression, addiction, the aftermath of trauma, seeking personal development, or exploring spiritual dimensions, I am here to support you on your journey towards a more integrated and fulfilling life.

*I am not a therapist; I’m a counsellor and coach.