Session Details and Payment

  • All counselling and coaching sessions last for 60 or 90 minutes and are priced at €150 and €200, respectively. Packages and group prices are quoted separately.

  • All sessions are prepaid and scheduled weekly at a mutually convenient time and day.

  • Unless it’s an emergency, I require at least 24 hours’ notice before a session.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellations less than 48 hours before the planned session are 100% non-refundable.

  • Refunds are at my discretion if you choose not to continue with your prepaid sessions.

Confidentiality Agreement

  • All sessions are strictly confidential. While you are free to share your experiences, I am bound by client confidentiality and ethical practice. This confidentiality is subject to certain legal limitations, as detailed below, but beyond these, what is discussed in our sessions stays confidential.

Legal Limitations to Confidentiality

  • Acts of terrorism: disclosure of involvement in, or information about, acts of terrorism legally obliges me to inform authorities without notifying the client.

  • Money laundering and drug trafficking: any information regarding these offences must be reported to the police.

  • Court orders: client notes may be released if ordered by a judge or coroner.

Common Limitations to Confidentiality

  • Supervision: my client work undergoes regular, anonymised supervision as required by professional bodies, focusing on my therapeutic approach rather than client details.

  • Risk of harm to self or others: policies are in place for situations involving suicidal intentions or potential harm to others, particularly children and vulnerable individuals. Confidentiality may be broken under these circumstances, usually without prior client notification.

Client Rights and Contracting

  • As discussed, confidentiality is limited from the onset of your coaching. All session notes are stored digitally (on a secure cloud-based server). If I record a session’s audio or video, I will explicitly request this from clients beforehand.

  • Your personal information is stored in compliance with GDPR laws (all client data is stored securely using a subscription-based Cloud solution).

  • A written contract detailing these points will be provided, requiring agreement and signatures from both parties (if a written contract has not been provided, please ask for a copy immediately).

Website Publication as Contract

  • Publishing these Terms & Conditions on the website serves as an informational outline of my services. However, it does not constitute a formal contract. A separate, detailed, and signed agreement is required to formalise the therapeutic relationship and ensure a clear understanding and agreement on all terms.

Adherence to BACP Ethical Framework* I am committed to upholding the BACP Ethical Framework, ensuring trustworthiness and ethical practice in all aspects of my counselling and coaching services.

This commitment includes:

1. Put Clients First

  • Making clients the primary concern while working with them.

  • Providing an appropriate standard of service.

2. Work to Professional Standards

  • Working within competence.

  • Keeping skills and knowledge up to date.

  • Collaborating with colleagues to improve service quality.

  • Ensuring personal well-being to sustain work quality.

  • Keeping accurate and appropriate records.

3. Show Respect

  • Valuing each client as a unique person.

  • Protecting client confidentiality and privacy.

  • Agreeing with clients on working methods.

  • Working in partnership with clients.

4. Build an Appropriate Relationship with Clients

  • Communicating clearly about what clients can expect.

  • Communicating benefits, costs, and commitments.

  • Respecting boundaries between work with clients and external matters.

  • Not exploiting or abusing clients.

  • Listening to how clients experience the working relationship.

5. Maintain Integrity

  • Being honest about the work.

  • Accurately communicating qualifications, experience, and methods.

  • Working ethically and fulfilling legal obligations.

6. Demonstrate Accountability and Candour

  • Openly discussing any known risks in the work.

  • Promptly informing clients about risks or harm and taking action to limit harm.

  • Reviewing work with clients in supervision.

  • Monitoring client experiences and effects of the work.

7. Ethics

  • Based on values, principles, and personal moral qualities.

8. Values

  • Fundamental values include respecting human rights, alleviating distress, improving well-being, enhancing relationships, and more.

9. Principles

  • Core principles include being trustworthy, respecting autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and self-respect.

10. Personal Moral Qualities

  • Emphasis on personal qualities like candour, care, courage, diligence, empathy, fairness, humility, identity, integrity, resilience, respect, sincerity, and wisdom.

11. Conclusion

  • Ethical challenges in practice, commitment to ethical engagement, and professional judgment in changing circumstances.

This framework sets out the ethical principles and standards for BACP members (*although I am not a member), focusing on responsibilities towards clients, professional conduct, personal integrity, and continuous ethical engagement in practice.


Awareness of Breathwork Limitations

Acknowledging the unique nature of breathwork, it is understood that participation may not be appropriate for everyone. This includes individuals with respiratory and cardiovascular issues, significantly elevated blood pressure, a history of aneurysms, epilepsy or seizures, those under heavy medication, facing severe psychiatric conditions including psychosis or paranoia, bipolar disorder, osteoporosis, recent surgeries, glaucoma, and pregnancy. Individuals diagnosed with mental health issues who are currently untreated or lack sufficient support should refrain. Asthma sufferers are advised to have their inhalers accessible and consult a physician and the session instructor before engaging. In the case of emotional or spiritual crises or any other conditions not listed, consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended before undertaking breathwork sessions.

Self-Declaration of Well-being

You affirm your physical, mental, and emotional suitability for breathwork sessions upon engaging with this information. This self-affirmation is crucial for participation and understanding the inherent limitations of breathwork facilitators who are not medical professionals. The breathwork experience is not designed to diagnose or treat medical conditions.

Your continued engagement with breathwork activities reflects a voluntary assumption of all associated risks and a comprehensive understanding of the potential outcomes. It further implies your agreement to release all facilitators from legal liabilities and assume all financial responsibilities for any treatments that may become necessary post-session.

Consent and Acknowledgment of Terms

Participants in breathwork sessions must sign a digital or physical waiver. In certain instances, participants will instead be directed to this page via Calendly, where they will affirm their consent to these terms by selecting a checkbox. This consent method assumes comprehensive responsibility for the reader's participation in breathwork sessions. By proceeding, participants explicitly acknowledge that their decision to engage is made freely and independently, without any undue influence.

You affirm that you are physically fit and mentally capable of performing the activity you choose to participate in. You acknowledge that breathwork is not a substitute for medical or psychological attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.

You certify that you have sought guidance from a healthcare professional concerning any physical, mental, or emotional conditions that may impact my judgment or affect my well-being during or after a breathwork session.

You understand and are aware of all the risks involved with breathwork. You are voluntarily participating in these activities and expressly assume and accept all the risks.

You hereby affirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer. You certify that you are responsible for your own health, mental well-being, decisions, and actions as a result of the session and the process.

You warrant and represent that you are physically, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally healthy. You will not participate in the activities and sessions if you are not in good health. Your declaration of good health constitutes a material agreement allowing you to participate in the breathwork sessions.

You acknowledge that the facilitator is not a doctor or psychiatrist, and the activities offered are not intended to treat or diagnose specific medical conditions. You voluntarily participate in these activities knowing the risks and consequences and agree to assume all consequences, known or not.

You release the facilitator from all responsibilities, costs, and damages that may arise from participating in this activity. You agree to accept financial responsibility for costs related to treatment.

By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read the above warning and agree to proceed with full responsibility. You understand that you have waived certain rights by reading and approving this release of liability freely and voluntarily without any external influence.

Before class, you will inform the instructor of any medical conditions or physical limitations. If you are pregnant, postnatal, or post-surgical, your acceptance verifies that you have a physician's approval to participate. You are solely responsible for deciding whether to practice any of the physical/breathing exercises, and your participation is at your own risk.

You agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims you have now or may have against Martin O'Toole.

The act of checking the box on your Calendly booking and proceeding with the breathwork sessions is a binding acceptance of the terms outlined herein, confirming an informed acknowledgement of the potential risks and legal conditions associated with breathwork.

Guided Psychedelic Plant Medicine SessionS


The following terms serve as a comprehensive agreement for individuals engaging in guided psychedelic plant medicine sessions accessed through this website. Upon proceeding with the session registration, acknowledgement and consent to these terms are considered granted.

Session Content Acknowledgment

By proceeding with session registration, participants acknowledge they have been informed about the nature of these sessions, which may include the guided use of psychedelic substances. These substances are recognised for their profound potential to facilitate deep personal insights and emotional healing under professional guidance.

Health Disclosure and Contraindications

Participants confirm they have considered their physical and mental health in the context of participating in psychedelic plant medicine sessions. This includes an acknowledgement of the necessity to disclose any existing health conditions that may contraindicate participation, such as severe psychological disorders, cardiovascular issues, or other significant health concerns. Acknowledging this requirement signifies an understanding of the importance of safety during these sessions.

Legal Compliance Acknowledgment

Participants acknowledge the legal status of psychedelic substances in their jurisdiction and confirm that their participation does not constitute an endorsement of illegal activities. Understanding and compliance with local laws remain the responsibility of each participant.

Risks and Responsibilities

By registering for a session, participants accept full responsibility for the potential risks involved, including, but not limited to, emotional discomfort and psychological distress. This acceptance includes releasing the facilitator and associated entities from liability for any session outcomes.

Integration and Support

Acknowledging the importance of post-session integration is crucial. Participants agree to engage in recommended integration practices and seek professional support to process their experience adequately.

Consent Through Readership

By proceeding beyond this point and engaging with the session registration process, participants give their informed consent to partake in the guided psychedelic plant medicine sessions under the outlined terms. This consent implies a comprehensive understanding of the session content, health and legal considerations, and potential risks and responsibilities. It reflects a voluntary participation agreement that acknowledges the conditions and stipulations detailed herein.